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Simple utility to post-process .mjr Recordings saved by Janus. More...

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <jansson.h>
#include "../debug.h"
#include "../utils.h"
#include "pp-options.h"
#include "pp-rtp.h"
#include "pp-webm.h"
#include "pp-h264.h"
#include "pp-av1.h"
#include "pp-h265.h"
#include "pp-opus.h"
#include "pp-g711.h"
#include "pp-g722.h"
#include "pp-l16.h"
#include "pp-srt.h"
#include "pp-binary.h"
Include dependency graph for janus-pp-rec.c:

Data Structures

struct  janus_pp_rtp_skew_context




typedef struct janus_pp_rtp_skew_context janus_pp_rtp_skew_context


int main (int argc, char *argv[])


int janus_log_level = 4
gboolean janus_log_timestamps = FALSE
gboolean janus_log_colors = TRUE
char * janus_log_global_prefix = NULL
int lock_debug = 0

Detailed Description

Simple utility to post-process .mjr Recordings saved by Janus.

Lorenzo Miniero

As explained in the Recordings documentation, our Janus WebRTC server provides a simple helper (janus_recorder) to allow plugins to record audio, video and text frames sent by users. At the time of writing, this helper has been integrated in several plugins in Janus. To keep things simple on the Janus side, though, no processing at all is done in the recording step: this means that the recorder actually only dumps the RTP frames it receives to a file in a structured way, so that they can be post-processed later on to extract playable media files. This utility allows you to process those files, in order to get a working media file you can playout with an external player. The tool will generate a .webm/.mkv if the recording includes VP8 frames, an .opus/.ogg/.mka if the recording includes Opus frames, an .mp4/.mkv if the recording includes H.264/H.265/AV1 frames, and a .wav file if the recording includes G.711 (mu-law or a-law) frames. In case the recording contains text frames as received via data channels, instead, a .srt file will be generated with the text content and the related timing information.

Using the utility is quite simple. Just pass, as arguments to the tool, the path to the .mjr source file you want to post-process, and the path to the destination file, e.g.:

./janus-pp-rec /path/to/source.mjr /path/to/destination.[opus|ogg|mka|wav|webm|mkv|h264|srt]

An attempt to specify an output format that is not compliant with the recording content (e.g., a .webm for H.264 frames) will result in an error since, again, no transcoding is involved.

You can also just print the internal header of the recording, or parse it without processing it (e.g., for debugging), by invoking the tool in a different way:

./janus-pp-rec --json /path/to/source.mjr
./janus-pp-rec --header /path/to/source.mjr
./janus-pp-rec --parse /path/to/source.mjr

For a more complete overview of the available command line settings, launch the tool with no arguments or by passing --help and it will show something like this:

Usage: janus-pp-rec [OPTIONS] source.mjr

  -h, --help                    Print help and exit
  -V, --version                 Print version and exit
  -F, --file-extensions         Only print the supported target file extensions
                                  per codec  (default=off)
  -j, --json                    Only print JSON header  (default=off)
  -H, --header                  Only parse .mjr header  (default=off)
  -p, --parse                   Only parse and re-order packets  (default=off)
  -e, --extended-report         Only print extended report (automatically
                                  enables --header)  (default=off)
  -m, --metadata=metadata       Save this metadata string in the target file
  -i, --ignore-first=count      Number of first packets to ignore when
                                  processing, e.g., in case they're cause of
                                  issues (default=0)
  -P, --payload-type=pt         Ignore all RTP packets that don't match the
                                  specified payload type (default=none)
  -a, --audiolevel-ext=id       ID of the audio-levels RTP extension
  -v, --videoorient-ext=id      ID of the video-orientation RTP extension
  -d, --debug-level=1-7         Debug/logging level (0=disable debugging,
                                  7=maximum debug level; default=4)
  -D, --debug-timestamps        Enable debug/logging timestamps  (default=off)
  -o, --disable-colors          Disable color in the logging  (default=off)
  -f, --format=STRING           Specifies the output format (overrides the
                                  format from the destination)  (possible
                                  values="opus", "ogg", "mka", "wav",
                                  "webm", "mkv", "mp4", "srt")
  -t, --faststart               For mp4 files write the MOOV atom at the head
                                  of the file  (default=off)
  -S, --audioskew=milliseconds  Time threshold to trigger an audio skew
                                  compensation, disabled if 0 (default=0)
  -C, --silence-distance=count  RTP packets distance used to detect RTP silence
                                  suppression, disabled if 0 (default=0)
  -r, --restamp=count           If the latency of a packet is bigger than the
                                  `moving_average_latency * (<restamp>/1000)`
                                  the timestamps will be corrected, disabled if
                                  0 (default=0)
  -c, --restamp-packets=count   Number of packets used for calculating moving
                                  average latency for timestamp correction
  -n, --restamp-min-th=milliseconds
                                Minimum latency of moving average to reach
                                  before starting to correct timestamps.
This utility does not do any form of transcoding. It just depacketizes the RTP frames in order to get the payload, and saves the frames in a valid container. Any further post-processing (e.g., muxing audio and video belonging to the same media session in a single .webm file) is up to third-party applications.

Recordings post-processing utility

Macro Definition Documentation













Typedef Documentation

◆ janus_pp_rtp_skew_context

typedef struct janus_pp_rtp_skew_context janus_pp_rtp_skew_context

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int argc,
char * argv[] )

Variable Documentation

◆ janus_log_colors

gboolean janus_log_colors = TRUE

◆ janus_log_global_prefix

char* janus_log_global_prefix = NULL

◆ janus_log_level

int janus_log_level = 4

◆ janus_log_timestamps

gboolean janus_log_timestamps = FALSE

◆ lock_debug

int lock_debug = 0