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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cextended_report_blockRTCP Extended Report Block (
 Cjanus_av1_svc_contextHelper struct for processing and tracking AV1-SVC streams
 Cjanus_av1_svc_templateHelper struct to track SVC templates
 Cjanus_callbacksCallbacks to contact the Janus core
 Cjanus_configConfiguration container
 Cjanus_config_containerGeneric configuration container (can be an item, a category or an array)
 Cjanus_dtls_srtpJanus DTLS-SRTP handle
 Cjanus_eventhandlerThe event handler plugin session and callbacks interface
 Cjanus_ice_handleJanus ICE handle
 Cjanus_ice_peerconnectionJanus handle WebRTC PeerConnection
 Cjanus_ice_peerconnection_mediumA single media in a PeerConnection
 Cjanus_ice_statsJanus media statistics container
 Cjanus_ice_stats_infoJanus media statistics
 Cjanus_ice_trickleHelper to handle pending trickle candidates (e.g., when we're still waiting for an offer)
 Cjanus_loggerThe logger plugin session and callbacks interface
 Cjanus_nackJanus representation (linked list) of sequence numbers to send again
 Cjanus_network_addressStructure to hold network addresses in a tagged union which should be IPv4 and IPv6 compatible. Use the family member (either AF_INET or AF_INET6) to determine which type of address is contained
 Cjanus_network_address_string_bufferStructure to hold human readable forms of network addresses in a tagged union which should be IPv4 and IPv6 compatible. Use the family member (either AF_INET or AF_INET6) to determine which type of representation is contained
 Cjanus_network_query_configInternal object representation of a network device query (configuration)
 Cjanus_optionsStruct containing the parsed command line options for Janus
 Cjanus_pluginThe plugin session and callbacks interface
 Cjanus_plugin_dataJanus plugin data message
 Cjanus_plugin_resultJanus plugin result
 Cjanus_plugin_rtcpJanus plugin RTCP packet
 Cjanus_plugin_rtpJanus plugin RTP packet
 Cjanus_plugin_rtp_extensionsJanus plugin RTP extensions
 Cjanus_plugin_sessionPlugin-Gateway session mapping
 Cjanus_pprec_optionsStruct containing the parsed command line options for janus-pp-rec
 Cjanus_recorderStructure that represents a recorder
 Cjanus_red_blockHelper struct to address a specific RED block
 Cjanus_requestHelper to address requests and their sources (e.g., a specific HTTP connection, websocket, RabbitMQ or others)
 Cjanus_rtp_forwarderHelper struct for implementing RTP forwarders
 Cjanus_rtp_header_extensionRTP extension
 Cjanus_rtp_packetRTP packet
 Cjanus_rtp_rfc2833_payloadRTP RFC2833 payload
 Cjanus_rtp_simulcasting_contextHelper struct for processing and tracking simulcast streams
 Cjanus_rtp_svc_contextHelper struct for processing and tracking VP9-SVC streams
 Cjanus_rtp_switching_contextRTP context, in order to make sure SSRC changes result in coherent seq/ts increases
 Cjanus_sdpJanus SDP internal object representation
 Cjanus_sdp_attributeSDP a= attribute representation
 Cjanus_sdp_mlineSDP m-line representation
 Cjanus_seq_infoA helper struct for determining when to send NACKs
 Cjanus_sessionJanus Core-Client session
 Cjanus_text2pcapInstance of a text2pcap recorder
 Cjanus_transportThe transport plugin session and callbacks interface
 Cjanus_transport_callbacksCallbacks to contact the Janus core
 Cjanus_transport_sessionTransport-Gateway session mapping
 Cjanus_vp8_simulcast_contextVP8 simulcasting context, in order to make sure SSRC changes result in coherent picid/temporal level increases
 Cjanus_vp9_svc_infoVP9 SVC info, as parsed from a payload descriptor
 Creport_blockRTCP Report Block (
 Crtcp_appRTCP APP (
 Crtcp_byeRTCP BYE (
 Crtcp_contextInternal RTCP state context (for RR/SR)
 Crtcp_fbRTCP-FB (
 Crtcp_firRTCP FIR (
 Crtcp_headerRTCP Header (
 Crtcp_nackRTCP NACK (
 Crtcp_rembRTCP REMB (
 Crtcp_rrRTCP Receiver Report (
 Crtcp_sdes_chunkRTCP SDES (
 Crtcp_srRTCP Sender Report (
 Crtcp_transport_wide_cc_statsStores transport wide packet reception statistics
 Crtcp_xrRTCP Extended Report (
 Crtp_headerRTP Header (
 Csender_infoRTCP Sender Information (