Reference counter mechanism.
Definition rtp.h:137
void janus_sdp_find_preferred_codec(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type, int index, const char **codec)
Helper method to return the preferred audio or video codec in an SDP offer or answer,...
Definition sdp-utils.c:1254
void janus_sdp_destroy(janus_sdp *sdp)
Method to destroy a Janus SDP object.
Definition sdp-utils.c:33
struct janus_sdp_mline janus_sdp_mline
SDP m-line representation.
janus_sdp_attribute void janus_sdp_attribute_destroy(janus_sdp_attribute *attr)
Helper method to free a janus_sdp_attribute instance.
Definition sdp-utils.c:45
int janus_sdp_mline_remove(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type)
Helper method to remove the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type from the SDP.
Definition sdp-utils.c:152
const char * janus_sdp_mdirection_str(janus_sdp_mdirection direction)
Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mdirection value.
Definition sdp-utils.c:238
janus_sdp_attribute * janus_sdp_attribute_create(const char *name, const char *value,...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2
Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_attribute instance.
janus_sdp * janus_sdp_parse(const char *sdp, char *error, size_t errlen)
Method to parse an SDP string to a janus_sdp object.
Definition sdp-utils.c:298
janus_sdp_mline * janus_sdp_mline_find(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type)
Helper method to get the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type.
Definition sdp-utils.c:126
int janus_sdp_remove_payload_type(janus_sdp *sdp, int index, int pt)
Helper method to quickly remove all traces (m-line, rtpmap, fmtp, etc.) of a payload type.
Definition sdp-utils.c:684
int janus_sdp_attribute_add_to_mline(janus_sdp_mline *mline, janus_sdp_attribute *attr)
Helper method to add an attribute to a media line.
Definition sdp-utils.c:190
const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_name(janus_sdp *sdp, int index, int pt)
Helper to get the codec name associated to a specific payload type in an m-line.
Definition sdp-utils.c:877
janus_sdp_mline * janus_sdp_mline_find_by_index(janus_sdp *sdp, int index)
Helper method to get the janus_sdp_mline by its index.
Definition sdp-utils.c:139
const char * janus_sdp_oa_type_str(janus_sdp_oa_type type)
Definition sdp-utils.c:256
const char * janus_sdp_mtype_str(janus_sdp_mtype type)
Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mtype value.
Definition sdp-utils.c:209
const char * janus_sdp_match_preferred_codec(janus_sdp_mtype type, char *codec)
Helper method to match a codec to one of the preferred codecs.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1321
int janus_sdp_generate_answer_mline(janus_sdp *offer, janus_sdp *answer, janus_sdp_mline *offered,...)
Method to respond to a single m-line in an offer, using the same variable arguments janus_sdp_generat...
Definition sdp-utils.c:1917
int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt_full(janus_sdp *sdp, int index, const char *codec, const char *profile)
Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec, in an m-line, taking into account a co...
Definition sdp-utils.c:719
struct janus_sdp_attribute janus_sdp_attribute
SDP a= attribute representation.
janus_sdp * janus_sdp_generate_offer(const char *name, const char *address,...)
Method to generate a janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate what to negotiate (e....
Definition sdp-utils.c:1362
const char * janus_sdp_get_fmtp(janus_sdp *sdp, int index, int pt)
Helper to get the fmtp associated to a specific payload type.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1026
struct janus_sdp janus_sdp
Janus SDP internal object representation.
janus_sdp_mtype janus_sdp_parse_mtype(const char *type)
Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mtype from a string.
Definition sdp-utils.c:197
int janus_sdp_generate_offer_mline(janus_sdp *offer,...)
Method to add a single m-line to a new offer, using the same variable arguments janus_sdp_generate_of...
Definition sdp-utils.c:1576
Helper enumeration to quickly identify m-line directions.
Definition sdp-utils.h:80
Definition sdp-utils.h:86
Definition sdp-utils.h:88
invalid direction (when parsing)
Definition sdp-utils.h:92
Definition sdp-utils.h:82
Definition sdp-utils.h:84
Definition sdp-utils.h:90
janus_sdp_mline * janus_sdp_mline_create(janus_sdp_mtype type, guint16 port, const char *proto, janus_sdp_mdirection direction)
Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_mline instance.
Definition sdp-utils.c:109
janus_sdp * janus_sdp_new(const char *name, const char *address)
Method to quickly generate a janus_sdp instance from a few selected fields.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1337
Helper enumeration to quickly identify m-line media types.
Definition sdp-utils.h:60
Definition sdp-utils.h:66
Definition sdp-utils.h:64
m=whatever (we don't care, unsupported)
Definition sdp-utils.h:68
Definition sdp-utils.h:62
Definition sdp-utils.h:257
When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), negotiate these extensions: needs a hashtable...
Definition sdp-utils.h:274
When generating an answer (this is ignored for offers), accept this extension (by default,...
Definition sdp-utils.h:276
MUST be used as the last argument in janus_sdp_generate_offer, janus_sdp_generate_offer_mline and jan...
Definition sdp-utils.h:297
When generating an offer automatically, use this mid (depends on value that follows,...
Definition sdp-utils.h:265
When generating an offer or answer automatically, do or do not add the rtcpfb attributes we typically...
Definition sdp-utils.h:293
When generating an offer or answer automatically, add this custom fmtp string.
Definition sdp-utils.h:281
Whether we should enable a specific m-line when offering/answering (depends on what follows,...
Definition sdp-utils.h:261
When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), negotiate this extension: needs two arguments...
Definition sdp-utils.h:271
When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this direction for media (depends on value that...
Definition sdp-utils.h:263
When generating an answer (this is ignored for offers), accept opus/red if offered.
Definition sdp-utils.h:287
When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use this payload type (depends on value that ...
Definition sdp-utils.h:278
Add a new m-line of the specific kind (used as a separator for audio, video and data details passed t...
Definition sdp-utils.h:259
When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this profile for H.264 (depends on value that f...
Definition sdp-utils.h:291
When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use the old "DTLS/SCTP" instead of the new "U...
Definition sdp-utils.h:295
When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use this payload type for RED/Opus (depends o...
Definition sdp-utils.h:285
When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this profile for VP9 (depends on value that fol...
Definition sdp-utils.h:289
When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this msid (depends on the two strings that foll...
Definition sdp-utils.h:267
When generating an offer or answer automatically, do or do not negotiate telephone events (FIXME tele...
Definition sdp-utils.h:283
When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this codec (depends on value that follows,...
Definition sdp-utils.h:269
janus_sdp * janus_sdp_generate_answer(janus_sdp *offer)
Method to generate a janus_sdp answer to a provided janus_sdp offer. Notice that this doesn't address...
Definition sdp-utils.c:1858
const char * janus_sdp_get_rtpmap_codec(const char *rtpmap)
Helper to get the codec name associated to a specific rtpmap.
Definition sdp-utils.c:947
char * janus_sdp_get_video_profile(janus_videocodec codec, const char *fmtp)
Helper to extract the H.264 or VP9 profile from a fmtp string.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1059
void janus_sdp_mline_destroy(janus_sdp_mline *mline)
Helper method to free a janus_sdp_mline instance.
Definition sdp-utils.c:39
void janus_sdp_find_first_codec(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type, int index, const char **codec)
Helper method to return the first audio or video codec in an SDP offer or answer, (no matter whether ...
Definition sdp-utils.c:1286
int janus_sdp_get_opusred_pt(janus_sdp *sdp, int index)
Helper to get the opus/red payload type from an SDP, if present.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1090
janus_sdp_mdirection janus_sdp_parse_mdirection(const char *direction)
Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mdirection from a string.
Definition sdp-utils.c:224
const char * janus_sdp_get_codec_rtpmap(const char *codec)
Helper to get the rtpmap associated to a specific codec.
Definition sdp-utils.c:988
int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt(janus_sdp *sdp, int index, const char *codec)
Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec in an m-line.
Definition sdp-utils.c:715
char * janus_sdp_write(janus_sdp *sdp)
Method to serialize a janus_sdp object to an SDP string.
Definition sdp-utils.c:1123
SDP a= attribute representation.
Definition sdp-utils.h:198
janus_sdp_mdirection direction
Attribute direction (e.g., for extmap)
Definition sdp-utils.h:204
char * value
Attribute value.
Definition sdp-utils.h:202
volatile gint destroyed
Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed.
Definition sdp-utils.h:206
char * name
Attribute name.
Definition sdp-utils.h:200
janus_refcount ref
Reference counter for this instance.
Definition sdp-utils.h:208
SDP m-line representation.
Definition sdp-utils.h:131
gboolean c_ipv4
Media c= protocol.
Definition sdp-utils.h:147
guint16 port
Media port.
Definition sdp-utils.h:139
uint32_t b_value
Media b= value.
Definition sdp-utils.h:153
janus_sdp_mtype type
Media type as a janus_sdp_mtype enumerator.
Definition sdp-utils.h:135
char * type_str
Media type (string)
Definition sdp-utils.h:137
GList * fmts
List of formats.
Definition sdp-utils.h:143
int index
Media index in the SDP.
Definition sdp-utils.h:133
janus_refcount ref
Reference counter for this instance.
Definition sdp-utils.h:161
volatile gint destroyed
Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed.
Definition sdp-utils.h:159
char * b_name
Media b= type.
Definition sdp-utils.h:151
GList * ptypes
List of payload types.
Definition sdp-utils.h:145
char * proto
Media protocol.
Definition sdp-utils.h:141
char * c_addr
Media c= address.
Definition sdp-utils.h:149
janus_sdp_mdirection direction
Media direction.
Definition sdp-utils.h:155
GList * attributes
List of m-line attributes.
Definition sdp-utils.h:157
Janus SDP internal object representation.
Definition sdp-utils.h:26
gboolean o_ipv4
o= protocol
Definition sdp-utils.h:36
guint64 o_sessid
o= session ID
Definition sdp-utils.h:32
char * o_name
o= name
Definition sdp-utils.h:30
guint64 t_start
t= start
Definition sdp-utils.h:42
volatile gint destroyed
Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed.
Definition sdp-utils.h:54
guint64 t_stop
t= stop
Definition sdp-utils.h:44
char * c_addr
c= address (not rendered for WebRTC usage)
Definition sdp-utils.h:48
janus_refcount ref
Reference counter for this instance.
Definition sdp-utils.h:56
int version
Definition sdp-utils.h:28
gboolean c_ipv4
c= protocol (not rendered for WebRTC usage)
Definition sdp-utils.h:46
GList * attributes
List of global a= attributes.
Definition sdp-utils.h:50
char * o_addr
o= address
Definition sdp-utils.h:38
GList * m_lines
List of m= m-lines.
Definition sdp-utils.h:52
char * s_name
Definition sdp-utils.h:40
guint64 o_version
o= version
Definition sdp-utils.h:34